Looking for DRUMMER for serious JROCK / VK band in SG (Gazette, Vocaloid, Gackt, Nigh


New member
Genki-des, we are SCARLET, formed in 11', we are based in singapore.
We consist a line up of 4 members currently, all 4 of us can play all main band instruments, lead guitars, rhythm guitars, piano and we have a violin player.
all of us are guys, 22-24 yrs. we are looking for a DRUMMER to join our bretheren.

our goal: we have determined goals, To use Music as a medium to promote Japanese subculture fashion like Visual Kei, Gothic Lolita, Decora, and also to use vocaloid (hatsune miku, megurine luka) voice to authenticize our original music. We will start giging at cosplay events and gain support from the J-culture community in singapore.

our future plans: PV filming, photoshoots, dressing up and performing off stage at cosplay events, original music studio recording, LED accessorizing(something you shall never see around your immediate region), costumes, studio recording, collaboration with cosplay / subculture singers, and delibrate choreographing of synchronized band movements.

click the link to listen to our recording: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=10150892477482205&set=vb.716702204&type=2&theater

You must be thinking, where we get our recources. let me assure you, we have them.
(and you dont have to pay a single cent for it, accept for jamming fees and your own costume purchases)

what we do: As you can see, we have plans that are different from other bands, and thus we have developed an authenticy different from other regional bands and we don't compromise on our music quality.

fashion and music always go together and when hand in hand, it is most optimum for networking and fan base building.

what we don't do: We do not waste time on indecision, we do not waste time waiting for people to join us,
what we are: we are a cell group without a cell, we are a fellowship of brothers who are at each other's backs, we don't judge.

As you can see, with these kind of plans, joining our band will bring you far if you can see it the same way as we do.

therefore, Beats no Ouji-sama, where ever you are, we have presented our blessing, please respond to our summon, *bows*

Ryuki, Lead vocalist @ SCARLET(SG)
contact number: 9116 8106, do call to audition.
Hi, im not a drummer but out of curiosity I checked out your recording. The vocals rock!
Wish you guys success because I think that GazettE is a hard band to cover and you guys pretty much nailed it!

hi im a drummer.. been playing for ages.. my band just split. anyhows.. names Samuel. people call me SK. Just finished NS. Punk drummer. Love to get in touch for trial. hit me up. 90089431. Lata, All the best.