Looking for drummer for Led Zep cover band


New member

We are looking for a drummer. Drummer must have some experience, meaning not beginner.
Influences like Led Zep, Rainbow, Black Sabbath, Deep Purple and etc.
Age does not matters. But we are a bunch of 25 yrs old.
Sms me if interested.

MaeL Teo
alo guys..

so u guys still looking for that drummer?so hows ur jamming schedule?and whats the definition of this band?is it just jamming or going for gigs or any recording plans??hehe..i sure ask alot huh..nah its just some question je..hehe..

I'm a guitarist, not a drummer, but I LOVE led zeppelin, so I was wondering if y'all might be doing gigs in the near future? I'd sure like to come watch.