Looking for Committed Drummer(regardless of race and religion)


New member
Hi SOFT members,

Currently Im looking for a permanent drummer to play with us. Our band is named Drone of Drivers. Well...concept and style is basically groovy metal rock elements. We are not looking for a highly skill drummer but as long you can groove along ..play and arrange rhythms spontaneously during jamming session....has a good groove sense and if can , play double kick drums( certain parts need to play 8th or 16th note part on certain songs) NO BLAST BEATS..is required...influences can either be metal rock...or a bonus those who like rock music /alternative /industrial.in the 90s are welcomed to be with us. For our band basically we are doing a full length or demo..and all our songs are originals...so TAKE NOTE.So candidates...if u know that you can make the cut, please do call /whatsapp/sms at 84859685(rashid) or azhar (81327853). Thanks ..hope to make music an enjoyable piece once again