Looking for commited bassist!!


New member
Looking for bassist which is fully commited to playing, not play bass for the sake of playing. need urgently as we are having a gig soon and our bassist left us. please message 91275055(joel) or 93259942 (caleb)

we are around 16 years old and we jam once every two weeks or more than that if possible. We live in yishun(north) & We dun really make many covers of songs but when we do we take pop songs and make it into a heavy rock kinda thing but no screamo or metal stuff. We are currently working on our originals which are going great too so we are focusing on that aspect and growing as a band. I would also like to stress that we are not looking for bassist who just wanna play for fun but bassist who are passionate about playig bass. You do not need a wealth of experience but just the passion and drive to learn :) thanks
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Bro, it helps if u can describe a bit more what genres, original materials or covers, e.g. of bands u're influenced, age range u're looking at, when u guys usually jam on and how many times a week.... etc

U might get some responses from potential bassists with these addition info.

Just a suggestion. : ) Cheers!