Looking for Bassist for Top 40's Band project


New member

Any bassist out there who is seriously interested to join us?
We are a top 40's band on a project to get into the nightscene or perhaps shows or gigs etc.
We have two vocals one male and one female, drummer, keyboardist and myself on guitars and we want someone to fill up on the bass.
Preferbly someone who is versatile in playing styles and also someone who has a bit of performing experience.
We also want someone who can commit to, if possible twice a week or at least once a week for practice and also once band is ready, must be able to perform with us on shows, gigs, etc.
We have begun practicing quite some time ago and all of us are very determined to get this band ready so everyone is putting in 100%. So, if you are willing to commit and give it a shot, you are welcome to come down for a tryout.
If interested or if you have any queries, you can contact me:
H.P: 9185 1927
e-mail: d1dra@yahoo.com