Looking for Bassist and Drummer for post rock band


Hi, we are 2 guitarists who started the band out playing indie music. However, we are moving towards post rock and writing more melodies with our instruments like explosions in the sky, mogwai etc. Currently looking for permanent bassist and drummer as our previous bandmates left due to personal reasons. We play mostly originals but don't mind some covers as well. Looking to hit the stage again asap.

Looking for bandmates who are:

Between 16-24 years old
Commited, passionate and serious about music
Not serving or going to serve NS anytime soon
Able to commit one day per weekend for music
Willing to jam somewhere central
Minimally able to write your own instrument parts

Interested, do check out our Facebook page below. We have a couple of DIY demos of some indie originals that we wrote in the past in fb, but please pardon for the quality compromised.

Sms me at 9366 4140. Hope to hear from you soon!
Hi i am guitarist,m/mly/31,influence are dt,meshuggah,satriani,etc.
However,i do have edrum n bass at hm,and i play em at random at hm.so i wanna try b a bassist in a band.hehe.can i try out?

I can be reach at 90609838/axe_8186@yahoo.com.sg