Looking for Bands with Music that makes you wanna Dance!!


New member
Hi there!

M Cube is looking for bands with (advantageous) or without performing experience, for an upcoming event of ours. If your band is able to get people off their feet and dance the night away, we wanna here from you! And in turn, get your music heard by the masses. The key criteria here, is music that would be able to keep an audience dancing. Genres could be pop-rock, reggae or whatever direction your band follows. And the songs should be originals. Interested parties, please do send us an email at enquiry@mcube.com.sg with:
- your contact details
- band size
- instruments used
- genre of music
- links to samples of your music (ex, myspace link, youtube etc )

For more details about us, do visit www.mcube.com.sg or look us up on Facebook for videos of some of our events. Search for "M Cube Events Communication" on Facebook.
Cheers and looking forward to hearing from you guys and the chance of working together on an iconic event! :)