Looking for Anime/Jrock/VisualK Band.(Can play Bass,Drum or guitar)

Im really keen as I never jam with a jrock/anime/visualk member. This would be my first =D. I could play some K-on, Fairy tail, Naruto, Bleach and one piece theme on the guitar and I could learn the drums of ALL the themes. Same goes to bass. As for Jrock/Visual Kei, Asian Kung-fu generation, Aqua timez, nightmate, the gazette, alice nine,ayabie and more...

Here's My Bio -
Name : Affian
Age : 17
Race : Malay(Fair Skin)
Experience : 2 Years Guitar 1 Year on drums and bass
How many bands have I been : 3
Influence by : Nightmare - The WORLD

For more information or you are planning to create a band, SMS 96739496 and tell me about it. If you have a personal space or planing to make a personal studio, I glad to help out too.