Looking for acoustic guitarist :)


New member

Am looking for an acoustic guitarist. Who is flexible with genres. Looking to form an acoustic line up. Either a duo or trio.

Genre wise will be ranging from top 40s, alternative rock, radio friendly song, indie, R&B & the list goes on. Someone who is flexible open to choices & ideas.

Doesn't matter if you're a he she or whatever your sexual orientation is, or whatever your race religion or where you're from. :) Im just looking for someone who can commit, at least twice a week or even once a week. Looking for someone who is dedicated, passionate about music and not money minded or looking for fame. As we are gonna start from scratch. So if you're a beginner or new in the music scene we can still work together. :)

Preferably someone humble, low profile, easy going & someone who doesn't mind working with a female around mid 20s, look presentable & normal. Cause ive ever encountered people who actually are choosy bout looks rather than care bout the person attitude or talent. :) weird but true.

Directions or goals, definitely if i managed to find someone suitable, i/we would definitely source out for gigs/events to play at for exposure and we'll expand from there.

As for myself im female, mid 20s. Working full time, self employed. Music background, started around 15yrs old working in different genres bands. Played/performed at a few places. I m a vocalist, not an expert, vocals wise, still learning/ improving. Guess we all are. But most importantly went through a lot of sweet & bitter memories throughout this years, almost gave up on music but now am back here hoping to find a suitable music partner to continue my passion. :)

So if you think you're suitable and would love to help me continue my passion and yours too, drop me a private message & i will get back to you asap. Have a good day. :)


Acoustic guitar player here and has been playing for many years. Do let me know how you want to start the duo or trio acoustic line up.

Ervin Chong
Mobile: 9664 7735
Guitarist here,able to play acoustic guitar... able to back up vocal...been playing for 10 over yrs..
Ready to Played and performs.

Hit me.:)
Dizzy 91185508
Hi, my name is Nimal, I'm teaching guitar n I've done a few gigs n events, looking to take it to a more active performance level. Mostly like playing my own compositions. My number is 98968002. Hear from u soon.
Hi Noraa, I'm Jeremiah, currently playing regular gigs twice a week and I'm looking to do more gigs, I'm also a vocal coach about to finish my grade 8 soon, and I don't mind starting from scratch again and helping you with your vocals and harmonies! If you're interested, drop me a text at 98282698 or jeremiah.maximus@gmail.com