Looking for a vocalist \m/


New member

Our band is currently looking for a vocalist as our previous vocalist left due to commitments.

We are looking for serious and committed vocalist.
Our major influences are from Guns N' Roses, Skid Row, Velvet Revolvers and so and so to even Seether, Motley Crue and others. We have a few originals which we are working on as well.

Our age are around 20 and as long as it's around 17-25, we're all cool.

Reply this thread or PM me and leave down your number if you're interested. :)
Adding on, our originals are on Alternative/Progressive rock and we are working on completing our originals. We are still looking for a committed vocalist to fill up the band.
Hi, we don't play any of those songs although we are huge fans of Alter Bridge.
In terms of style we are just primarily rock based.

We are concentrating on writing our own original music(Alternative/progressive style). So if you think you're interested and got what it takes, do PM me for further details

Thank you, :)
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