Looking for a Rhythm Guitarist!

What's up, guys!

Well, the title is pretty much self explanatory. Our band is looking to audition some players. I'll highlight some of the things we look for below. Before I continue, our band is not limited to any genres! We play a variety of music from old classics to modern rock etc etc. Anyways, here we go!

1. By rhythm guitarists, I don't mean players who get by playing regular bar chords/power chords. We're looking for someone who can riff well. If I had to give an example, I'd say someone who feels comfortable playing some Alter Bridge-esque type riffs. The reason I ask this is because although our cover songs may not be challenging, our originals may require someone who is proficient with the whole palm muting, heavy riffing thing.

2. Hopefully, someone who can pick up things quick.

3. Has some free time over weekends.

Just want to highlight that age/sex/race etc etc and the like make absolutely NO difference to us! If you think you fit the bill, don't hesitate, we'd love to hear you!

My contact is 84442023!

Hope to hear from you guys soon!

