Looking For a Post-rock experimental drummer


New member
Hello everyone! Our band are made out of 6 musicians, and we are looking for a drummer that is willing to excel with us, in terms of creativity and experimentation. Basically we are just musicians from various different background coming together with a common interest and that is music.

Currently our band is recording with Inversion Studio and are planning to release singles starting from June. A friend of ours is on drums right now and he well be sessioning for us till May 10. As you can see, we are really in need of a drummer for our band.

One thing you need to take note is, we are not doing covers. All of our stuff are originals.

So if you are up for the challenge, give me a buzz at this number, 93360274 and we will slot you in for audition. We will give you a link of our performances and songs of our originals for you to learn.

Looking forward to working with ya!! And thanks for your time!