Looking for a Male vocalist! Read on for more details..


New member
Hey guys!

We're Xska, a seven man (with 2 ladies lol) band, and we play popular J rock and Anime music. The band comprises of 2 guitarists, a bassist, a keyboardist, a drummer, a male vox and a female vox. We formed in late 2010 and have been actively gigging at various events, a notable one being D'J Party at StreetFest. Our influences are pretty much rooted on High and Mighty Color, but we do cover other stuff and also take some time to create originals.

Unfortunately, our male vocalist will be taking his studies overseas and won't be able to contribute from next year onwards. We will miss him..

We are currently auditioning male vocalists who are interested in the J rock/pop/Anime genres. Commitment is a must as we are a band which jams regularly (mostly on weekends) and we do meet up for song writing at times.

If you are interested, reply to this thread or contact me at..

97910085 (Peter, Guitarist)
xska.band@gmail.com (Like us one Facebook if you wanna =D)

To give you an idea of how we roll, here's some vids of our performances!


That's the only video I can find of our band on YouTube. You can go over to our Facebook page and check out the rest like SakuraFest @ SG Flyer and many others.

Thanks and I'll cya!

Xska will be performing at EOY, If you want to see how we work live, do come down to support us.

We are still open to auditions, for our male vocal position.I
f you get through we will be joining more gigs in the future.

hmm.. the genre meets. but i don't watch much anime, but i play alot the songs that i know.

my voice is only not durable. but i think i can try. this weekend? :D
We're still looking for ppl to audition. Please contact Peter(97910085) if you are interested.

Our audition songs will be

Rosier - High Mighty colour
FlashBack - High Mighty Colour
Style get glory in this hands - High and Mighty Colour

Our first round of audition is being held on 7 jan.