Looking for a lead guitarist


My fun-loving band is looking for a decent lead guitarist to handle the main rifts and solos. We play a wide variety of songs both in Mandarin and English from groups like Muse, Bon Jovi, Adele, Sarah Baraellis, Beyond, A-mei, Dishwalla, OAR, the Script, Creed etc.

We jam once a fortnight, usually on Monday nights, age range 24 to 37, 4 guys and 2 gals, friendly, fun-loving no big egos kind of group but we do like to play the song right. Had our first gig in Broun cafe not too long ago and gunning for more.

We are looking primarily for someone who can commit and for that, we can compromise on your playing skills IF you are committed, can gel with us and are serious about improving your guitar skills in the long run.

Please email cheng_chin_yuen@hotmail.com or SMS 98156992 for the song list to practice for a friendly minimal stress audition.


Chin Yuen