Looking for a guitar that looks like the pictures below

thanks bros for helping me. Unfortunately i cant afford a SE Custom:(
Thats y i and finding a look alike. Btw how much is the samick Greg Bennett Ultramatic cost?
and where do i find them?
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Gregg Bennet guitars are being sold at Davis. The Avion series is only costing $260, and it has good tone. I am seriously thingking of getting the Alpine white. Any Softie would like to part with theirs ? I would estimate it to be around $300+. You might also want to check at Ranking Sports (Bras basah). They carry Shine guitars from Korea. Check this out. They have quite good reviews too...

::: Shine Guitars (Saein Musical Instrument Co.,Ltd) :::
Check out Hamer. Very nice looking guitars...Not too expensive either. Only around SGD 500

any considerations for the Ibanez SZ?


have you checked with Standard Value if they have the Marlique you are looking for?
yeap saw those marlique guitars at standard value. To expensive $999. might as well get a PRS SE Custom as stated by subversion to be only at $900.