Looking for a guitar $250 - $300


New member
Ok, I'm on a pretty tight budget to get an electric guitar. I can't afford anything over $300. I want something HSS or HH (if it has a good clean sound (or as good as it can get for this price)). I've looked at: ESP EC-50, ESP Viper 50, Ibanez GRX40Z, Ibanez GSA60, Yamaha Pac 112, Fernandes RetroRocket X. I haven't yet tried any of these but I would like to know your opinions and experiences on them. I've also considered a Squier, but I've heard so many horror stories about them that I'm not gonna waste my precious little money on one... I listen to and like to play mostly alternative rock.
Also I'm gonna be using a Roland Cube 30 as an amplifier.
roland cube 30 amp - EXCELLENT choice bro! you won't regret it. am so in love with it i wanna get the cube 60 version now. my friend came over to play it and was blown away by the tones coming out of it...he's getting one too. considering he has marshall stack and yamaha dg60 and fender amps...thats saying alot for the little bugger. keke.
guitar - well i guess for $300, you could actually get better stuff in the 2nd hand market? just tossing an option for ya if ya want. cheers