Looking For A Fender Telecaster and G-Dec


New member
Hello Softies,

I looking for a Telecaster! MIM type?

Does Swee Lee has any of them??

How's the price range like? Very Interested!

And im Getting a G-Dec Junior or G-Dec

Any offer?

i was recently at swee lee.
many new Fenders around...i think it's a nice time to go for a walk at Brash Brasah. :D
Fender G-dec amp

Hey there bro, I'm selling my Fender G-dec amp for $350 cond 9/10 just used it for a few months. Do contact me at Fahmi 90269605 if you're keen. :cool:
WTS: Brand new Fender Baja Telecaster MIM

Hi if anyone of you have any interest, I have a brand new Baja Telecaste in Blonde...beautiful..bought it together with other guitars on impulse. Going at $1350 if suits. SMS or call 96609900..cheers