Looking for a drummer into post-hardcore stuffs


New member
Essentially we are looking for a drummer to kinda jam with, as currently our current drummer kinda "left".

i wouldnt dare say we are exactly proficient in what we play, and we are not exactly looking for extreme techincal capabilities, but the attitude to have fun and respect each other!

so if all is good, songs to try would be

reinventing the exit - Underoath
wires and the concept of breathing - A Skylit drive
My Heroine - Silverstein

yea, any interested do add me on msn

p.s: we're 20 year old(borned in 1990), going into NS soon, so yea just figure should put that out.

and if all is really really good, studio time should be on the 18th of may. at lavender AGM studio!

thats about it, thanks!
we are currently still looking, do contact me, and we dont mind playing other genre as we still in the stage of finding a comfortable sound man.
hi sup?! im a serious drummer actually. but if you guys wanna play for fun, lets do it man!
im into saosin stuffs. you guys can really play a skylit drive?