Looking for a Bass $800-$1200


New member
Hi, its my first post here. yeap

Can i get reccommendations for a 5 string bass, preferably active pickups, for around $800-$1200. Mainly for pop, rock, and learning slap. I checked out the yamaha rbx 775 and it felt fine for this purpose, but i wonder if you guys have any better reccommendations. thanks in advance =)
i am not really up-to-date with prices but here goes:

1) Warwick Rockbasses
2) Cort Artisan series
3) Yamaha BB series
4) Bass collection basses

But seriously, i would advise you to spend up to 500 / 600. You can get a slappety bass for that price, and learn all your stuff without any trouble. If thats the decision, just buy a J & D bass. I have one too haha.
where would be good places to go around shopping for these basses. i have been using an old dusty bass that i found at my friends house for some time, and i felt it was time to move on, so planning to get sth that will last lah, hence the budget. What should i look out for in a bass?
Yamaha series basses obviously at yamaha, cort at sweelee, bass collections at citymusic i think..i think warwick not available locally right? look out for the construction lor..quite similar to what u look out for in a guitar, most important is no major faults and like the feel and tone...the rest is up to your budget..good luck..
yeah.. i agree with 3notesabar(is your name kelvin? can't remember clearly :P). spend 500-600 on a bass. then spend the rest on a GOOD amp. the amp forms a very big part of your sound as well and can really influence the development of your personal sound. you'll be lucky if u can land a trace elliot these days. the boxer series amps are quite nice, and commandos pretty decent too, for home practice use.

however, if u already have a good amp, then i'd suggest you try look for a status s1 or energy 5. great sound. now i kinda regret selling mine. yamaha bb series pretty good too. can try BBN5A.

u won't find these brand new from shops though.. u'll only find them on the online classified ads. luthermusic has one.

well, i guess when u're buying a bass u should really try it first before buying. plug it in, sit down and play on the thing for as long as u like. instruments are very personal things and i guess it's really up to you. if you're new to playing bass and feeling lost about what to look for in a bass then perhaps one of the basic criteria i can think of would be durability. i think only when u've developed yourself to some measure then u'll really know what u want in your personal instrument.

btw jem007, warwick basses are available at sweelee. :)
The only minor faults I would find, are that the SUBs don't have contoured bodies, they are slab just like teles and have weird finishes. "Textured" is what EBMM calls them. But hey, they're still tone monsters :twisted:
I think you should try the bass you want on different amp combinations, so you know what kind of amp suits your bass. Whether it sounds good regardless of speaker cone size. Most importantly, it must suit the genre you play.
okae thanks for the advice. I was initally intending to run the bass thru my mixer to my current monitor speakers, as i am doing that setup currently with my e.guit and pod xt.
oh yeah one more thing if youre buying a really cheap bass, it just needs to pass one more test - bring a chromatic tuner with you. And check the intonation. For starters, just check the tunings of the open strings, and the 12th fret notes. Ask the salesperson if the bass can be properly intonated if the notes are out.
Erm, went to look around, and i saw this bass, the ibanez btb 405. any comments on it? how do the basses you reccommend compare to it. sorry, but i am quite noob around these stuffs...

1 big question, how does active pickups influence the sound. and how does that compare to an onboard eq and stuff. thanks hor...