Looking for 8-string guitarist

We are a death metal band with progressive influences. Looking for a second guitarist to complete our line-up.

Call me on Eight 1 3 two 3 6 6 nine if you are available.
We have one 8-string guitarist, one 5-string bassist. Don't have a three-handed drummer though, just a guy with two hands and two legs. 10 fingers too.

I don't suppose you have an eight-string you can play, but it is amusing that you post in a lot of posts where people are looking for musicians to offer your two cents.

It is appreciated, really.
Whammy, PM me your phone number and I'll send you an audio recording of an original we will be doing. Or you can just send me a message/whatsapp me at eight one 3 2 three 6 6 nine.
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