Looking for 3 Bassists! and maybe a drummer.


New member

I like the bass, do you like bass?
I like that deep sexy sound the bass gives off. It makes me wanna **** everytime I hear it. Do you feel the same way too? If yes, JOIN ME COMRADE!!
I feel that the bass is the most underrated instrument ever. So I wanna make a band for bassists by bassists. And to do that I need 3 more bassists. Then we can create not just the bassiest music ever, but THE BASSIEST MUSIC EVER IN THE WHOLE GALAXY AND BEYOND!!!

Why 4 you might ask, because 4 is a good number and it brings good things like 4D. 1 Furthermore, 1 makes me feel sad, 2 brings bad luck, 3 has already been done, so we have to one up them and get 4. And all super hero teams have 5, just enough to pilot a giant robot, so we will have 4 bassist and a drummer. And besides 4D is more out there than 3D.

Oh, and we might need a drummer too. But I think we could always use a drum machine amirite?

If you're interested in becoming my comrade in this endeavour, do send me a PM!
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damn this sounds sexy! i can play bass or drums but would be going into NS in nov though
Maybe, this project can create a new genre in Singapore.
bassist here, sounds like fun. sign me up.
and how do we find a jam studio with 4 bass amps! lol
Hi there,

I'm a bassist myself and I wonder if we can form a collective to play bass-heavy music, either among ourselves or with other bands. Or maybe we can simply jam / practise together - I'm rusty with the bass after not having touched it for 8 years but am slowly gettin back in the groove.

I'm hoping to actually play funk/disco/soul/reggae music (bass heavy) so I don't mind playing rhythm guitar (I'm rusty but trying to get up to speed on guitar) and have someone else play bass. I already have a vocalist, and just need a drummer/keyboardist. If you are keen, sms me at 9337 4482 or email me at berns.chung@gmail.com