lookin for ppl to be in a band with


New member
im 17 years old and im tryna form a band, I play electric guitar but i'm also currently working on my vocals and stuff like that

i wouldnt say im super super good but its worth a shot at this stuff, lookin for basically any position (bassist, drummer, other guitarists)

i would prefer people thats willing to go more long term tho.. what im envisioning for this band is like creating a sound similar to the smashing pumpkins, nirvana, bowie, the cure, radiohead and many more but im not limited to those bands. I was thinking of a more experimental take as well, including different sounds as well like slow ballads like elliot smith and jeff buckley or more shoegazey sounds like slowdive, fleshwater, lsd and the search for god etc.

contact me on telegram
user is @evvannn7
anyone around my age range is good