how man chris? Yeah I been bz with day work / family and I session with a few diff genre bands...

Shades are way laid back havent gigged last two years, but Mani is with me in the currant Retro Groove line up.

Mainly functions etc these days...yourself not playing anywhere?
HEHEHEHEH!!!! Duuuuuuuuudes!!!

Here we are now, talking about good old bands,
In between NOW and THEN, where do we stand?
Will we be tomorrow's references? like good ol' V.Cornelius,
Or will be like the past "others", that no one really bothers.

Things they used to write about, during our heydays' us
Have somehow vanished, now as good as dust
Will we rise again to do another show?
Or will we be left to wilt, our hands too slow.

Never mind our worn out hands, never mind our tighta*s pants,
We'll let our vintage axes and stomp boxes do the talking,
We'll wipe off any newbie kids' smirk comments.

Let's tuck in our guts, with a daily routine of 50 push ups,
I'm sure we'll still get the chicks again, in those swanky smoke-free clubs,
Let's whip out a tune of "Clapton", or even "Enter Sandman",
Try sending us your requests, "sorry dudes, we don't do "Good Charlotte" or "Simple Plan"...

We'll never fade away, we'll never sway,
"We'll conquer the world with our rock" so the fat one boldly say,
Minus the wrinkles and the donut-shaped middles,
We're forever 18 inside, so please don't call us uncles..

Some of us have grown up, some,sadly, turned stiff,
Some of us chased the "5cs", and now have more boutique stuff to play with.
We used to get lots of "Postcards", our tunes on the radio all day,
As one song from not so long ago goes "Well life's full of Changes, they say"...


Maybe someone could put in some chords to this....

Hey there farid.

Jeff Long (ex-DNA, Radioactive). No man, not playing anywhere, just the odd solo gig once ina while. You need guitarist/singers hehehe
yp bro chris bro - an la...sometimes I also jam jam with softies for fun - maybe sometime we get together jam some U2 stuff ...

anything call HP 96909640
rx7 - Likely not dude :) I've not tutored anyone since 1999....:) Interesting to know there's any chap with the same name though....I've hearc of another JL, but he's a drummer.

rx7, no...they share the same name. your ex tuition teacher doesn't come to SOFT, as far as I know. =) I like both Jeff Longs, gooood guys these ppl are.

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