Live Jam Sessions - An Invitation to Up-and-Coming Bands/Musicians


New member
Dear all,

In line with LiveAMP's vision/mission to help develop and nurture talent, we are planning to have regular jam sessions at our premises. It will be called: Jam Sessions @ LiveAMP featuring "your name or band's name." Our objective is to have bands play their songs or covers to a controlled number of guests (approx 20) to (1) hone performance skills (2) receive feedback (to prepare for gigs) and (3) generate revenue for the band/musician.

For interested bands/musicians, please PM LiveAMP. Please let us know your genre, # of band members, etc. In turn, we will let you know the arrangements.

Let's work together to realise your potential. LiveAMP - Get Amplified, Get Heard (
Hey here - bands will not pay a single dime to play at LiveAMP. We are tired of hearing bands playing for free or even paying to just perform. We are hoping to start a trend and start recognising talent locally. I will PM you on how it works and how your band can earn some money.
Hi LiveAmp,
Yeah!! You're right, bands should not be paying to perform, they are offering their services and yet they are being made used off to pay, unless the gig is offering them very big exposure, else they should not have to pay.
In fact, bands are supposed to be paid to perform, ESPECIALLY, original bands. But living in this country, i don't want to raise my expectations to high on that.
I'm quite interested, i would luv to know several more things though..
Are bands able to sell their albums and cds in the gig??
Do they have to bring in a certain number of people to get to perform??
Any particular genre in the event?? Or is it just an assortment of different genres which wouldn't really be recommended..
Where will the gigs be held??
What kind of gear setup is available there??

My 2 bands are
I am so regretted, to hear nowadays that the bands have to pay the organizer. when they want to perform , oh what a pity. this is totally bullshit damn yay. it business not passion.

In those old days for example when u been hired to performed at the party at least each band member received hard cash of thousand dollars cash. and if u play at the pub u will received a good paid depend on what kind of pub. but u have to played solid 6 days a week in a month basically we goes by contract term.

And now thing had changed, due to import musicians and economy circumstances. We hope thing getting better for the new bands. someone and somebody may change thing turn to better music industries.

All the bands deserve better opportunity in future. I wish good luck to you LiveAmp.. well we see next outcome from you.

Keep rock on kicking ass. that sounds pretty cool baby..hagd.
hi, my band and i wld like to know more details
btw could i ask wat type of music are u guys lookin for?
@ Beatz, J3ster - I will PM you the details

@ Jackmann - totally agree with you. Me and my bro, the reason why we started this is because of passion in music. I believe that it should be a change in mindset but it will take time. What we are trying to do is to start an equitable partnership between bands and organisers - we actually hope that others will follow - this way, there will be more opportunities for bands to perform and earn some cash - and then perhaps, they would not "pay to play" anymore. If the bands are getting the same exposure (we plan to record and post to internet and do a livestream too) by playing in these mini-gigs, then hopefully event organisers will start recognising this and pay the bands - this is ofcourse is but a dream, but hey, I am a dreamer.
Hi LiveAMP , i would like to know more details please . Sounds like a good idea , anyways i agree with you guys , we should stop playing for free or sometimes even have to pay or sell tickets(where the money comes from our own pockets) . My bandmate showed me your weblink but we have yet to tryout your studio . Hope to hear from you soon !
@Aunt.mall - bro, i heard some of your video - you can sing well. I am thinking of an acoustic jam session with your type of music!
Thanks for the responses all - we have more than 20 bands showing interest so far. We may be planning for the first jam session in early October thanks to a fellow softie with the same passion and drive who will help us to organise. We will be in touch with all of you. Key term here is "equitable partnership". This means, bands earn as much as the organiser (which in this case are the studio owners). If no one shows up, no one pays a dime.
We suggest and support your cool plan to all the bands, however the bands should be more understanding to the oganiser.
This is means that the bands should support the organiser in term of studio practising.

The organiser also depend on all the cool bands like u. as it is we have to give and take by supporting each others.
Come on show your passion to Live Amp. in term of steady long run, and lasting harmony.

When the cool bands start supporting the organiser. We call it this is damn pretty cool for both parties benefit.

So be it , be certain to it. just do it babe. and we wish u all good luck hagd. Selamat Hari Raya. be cool yay.
Please do continue to send me messages if you are interested. We plan to do this very regular. So if you miss the first date, there will be another one. Btw, for clarity on earlier post, what I meant was "when no one (i.e., paying guest) shows up" - bands still need to show up - we will then record your performance and have it shared in www to increase awareness.

@Jackmann - thanks for your understanding. I agree - studios, in order to survive, depend a lot on bands no question about it. THis is why I believe that studios should, in return, provide a venue for musicians to be creative/explore music/inspire.

We will keep you posted on updates - we can keep in touch on FB (click "like" if you want so that we can keep you updated)

More power to the local music scene!

Hey it's really great you are doing this for local musicians. I wonder what type of genre you are looking for?
I'm interested to know more.