Line6 for direct recording into computer

Just connect the output of your pod to the input of your soundcard, or the mic input on your PC/laptop...
Set the require parameters in your recording software, then you're good to go!
do i need a specific software? would mac garageband do the trick?

the PODxt comes with a USB Audio Digital In/Out. I'm not sure if this is used for audio signals or software/patch updates.

Thanks for the advice Rossie!
Nope, you don't need any specific software... Any recording software would do just fine...
The USB is good for updating/tweaking your pod, I believe you can use it as your soundcard too, but I've never tried it before though...
i use the usb output for recording and the pod xt live itself as my well for me as the soundcard on my laptop is an intergrated one and is not recognized by my recording software.
i connected the USB from the PODxt to the laptop. what's next?

which recording software are you guys using?
You might need a 1/4" to 3.5mm converter jack, your output signal of the podxt via an instument cable (one end having the converter jack) into your microphone input of your mac.
u just go to the line6 website, register ur pod and download the correct drivers and software. once u install the drivers, your lap top should recognise ur pod as
an audio interface. then u just open whatever recording software u want, sonar ,cubase or whatever and it should auto register the pod as the input.make sure u select the pod audio interface as the default interface in the windows sound settings first though.