Life after electrico?


New member
" On 13th May 2008 , The Strait Times's Sujin Thomas has announced that lead guitarist Daniel Sassoon has called it quits with Electrico after being in the band for 5 years .

In a press statement issued by the remaining members , the band said ,"With his demanding and gruelling career in the legal sector , Daniel had long wanted to take a break from the band to focus his energy on his legal profession " .

quote from wikipedia.

What do you guys think of this?

For me, electrico is one of the very first names that i've ever heard of when i started listening to local music. They were brilliant and exceptional.

I never got tired of listening to thier songs and their first concert was fantastic. All the members are very impt in what they do and that is why they have their trademark sound.

With daniel gone, are they gonna be the same without the wild-hair guy? Is this a case of ronin all over again(except that in their case was their frontman) .
omg this is shocking. electrico was the only local band that i bought a cd for. hmmm i guess they might be able to find a replacement guitarist, but it just wont be the same anymore.
electrico is a very influential band. whoever is gonna replace daniel sassoon sure will bring the band a new sound. of course the change must be as good as the existing sound if not must be better.

a very charismatic band i will say they are. so the incming guitarist has to be at least of a certain standard when it comes to presentation: charming, stylish, attitude... above all these of course he/she must be able to play very well with some experience! you never know this new person might draw in new fans for the band if chosen properly! lead guitarists are everywhere. but one with an x-factor is hard to find.
as i always say... there's only 14 hours in a day... 8 hours sleeping.. 2 hours eat...shit.. and eat shit...

everyone of us will hit the crossroads when dream and reality clashes. whether is it your job, your family (not your parents,but your wife/kids) , your passion , your friends (i'm sure many of us lost friends after we/they got married).

this may be both his best and worst choice he's made.

80¢ worth.

p.s he's got a unique surname btw. so is one of the next guitarist is required to use vidal sassoon shampoo? =P ha ha ha lame joke , my toes are laughing. I know.
a very charismatic band i will say they are. so the incming guitarist has to be at least of a certain standard when it comes to presentation: charming, stylish, attitude... above all these of course he/she must be able to play very well with some experience! you never know this new person might draw in new fans for the band if chosen properly! lead guitarists are everywhere. but one with an x-factor is hard to find.

How abt FGL? ;D
haha, that guy must have his wild hair as well...its so sad that they have come so far together...with 2 albums, overseas gigs, 1 full length concert and yet, he chose to leave before the launch of the 3rd album. hmm...

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