Lets form a band! (Heavy Metal, Grunge)


New member
Hey guys Ashwin here,

I am Currently exploring some of the earlier classic heavy metal stuff such as Mettalica, Megadeth, Anthrax and Pantera...along with grunge style of music similar to Nirvana, and i also love acoustic songs

I greatly admire their showmanship and music

I am likely to group up with people who want to work serious with these type of music : )

I currently play some decent bass and i can sing a bit.. so if anyone is interested we can just group up and start playing...

i have some originals with me, a few bass riffs i wrote along with vocals in it. I shall post them soon on youtube.

Lets get two guitarists and a drummer and lets start making good music!

Its okay that we are beginners all that we need to prove is our commitment to music

Hit me up!!


Cheers! \m/

With the Lights out its less Dangerous