

New member
Hi, first post here. Just to check with most guitarists here. I see lots of right handed guitar in the market right now but I'm a lefty. Can i buy a right handed one and switch the strings over to let it become a left handed guitar?

P.S: Left handed guitar = Strum with left? Hope I didn't get that wrong.
well i'm a lefty too
erm yeah u cld for aucostic..unless is single cut-away..its gonna look rather funny..if there's no cutaway think shld be fine
for electric...ur input jack wld be on the top...ur switches,knobs
and if u get a floyd rose..its gonna be very troublesome restringing all six strings
and if you attach a strap..erm...its gonna be weird.for you to sling it on ur shoulder..
tats all i know.
all the best
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Okay. I get what you mean now. However i read about restringing a right-handed guitar to a lefty. They mention that the nut and bridge need to be switch over as well. If that's the case I think I'm just gonna train and play right handed.
I'm not saying I wanna get a lefty. But just checking if its possible to just switch strings over to become a left handed guitar.
Oh.. quick question. Is it wise for me to purchase a Yamaha Fg400a from fellow soft member for $120? I'm totally a beginner. Now just practicing different chords on a classical. Would try to get lessons in future.