Left fat finger.


New member
The reason as title named is because most of the time my finger or palm tend to touch the next string or rather touch the 1st string (the thinnest one). I tend to get such situation when Im playing my acoustic guitar. Is there a tip for it?

And furthermore, my barre chord pressing is way out of control. I find it kinda hard to press it.. Either I pluck or strumming, the sound is too... OMG. I know the morale of the story is practice practice practice. But hope to get some guidance from you all.

Cheers to all my fellow pals...
for barre chords
try to lower your thumb further, it has helped me. and make sure your barre (index finger) exerts sufficient pressure on the strings. dont be afraid to adjust your fingering with your right hand if ou encounter probelm fretting :wink:
hahaha. Bandage your thumb. Like umaga then can do samoen spike to your guitar neck or something=x okay that was damn retarded. Crack your knuckls before playing. More shiok feeling:P
i cant barre all 6 strings together.. even if i press hard. the string just under the knuckle of the finger always not fretted properly. any ideas how to rectify?
serious guys, you gotta practise, then it will train your muscleso that it will acustom itself to position you want it to be. After practising for quite a while, yo u won't feel that much cramp anymore.
Haha.. Crack until my finger going to break. But I guess I can hold the string properly. Been practising holding and memorise the chords recently. And trying to strum it to make sure I can get it right.

Again, practise make perfect. Heh!

By the way, I do not have any idea which song to play. I do not which is the easier for my to play as well. I like Oasis, The Cranberries, Scorpio, RCHP etc etc...

Always try to play with the music been played from my computer, they kinda sound higher in pitch. Was told my frenz that they usually put a Capo on the guitar, right?

Hmm... May I know which is the reliable guitar tab site which I can look on? I searched via google but there are too many of the link and yet they have different way of playing thou. *confusion wor*
ultimate-guitar.com is easy to use. most of the time,the highest rated tab is reliable. Yup and you can use a capo to change the key
Steady! Thanks viper. Furthermore, I tried to under the scale on guitar, but it seem quite tough thou. I saw on book and there are too many alphabet and not knowing which one is it. *more confuse* :?

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