Learning on Acoustic or electric?


New member
Hi one and all, I am a TOTAL noob when it comes to guitar. I have an acoustic (custom made from the Philippines) which I have been trying to learn to play on (with just the G-family). I don't see myself progressing beyond that. Furthermore, I am trying not to give up given the reason that I always press 2 strings with 1 finger and it turns out sounding sucky...

One day I picked up my friend's electric guitar and tried strumming (the G-family again, as that's the only family I know). And I realized that it's actually easier to press the chords on electric guitar! I was glad and thought that maybe I might not give up afterall. I just have to learn guitar-ing on an electric guitar!

Correct me if I am wrong, is it really easier to pick up using electric guitar? and how should I go about learning the other families of chords (other than G)? Any good newbie websites? I am also looking at the SG if I am getting an electric guitar, is it ok for newbie? It's selling at $380 at Sweelee. I want something which is easier to press chords on, not something which I will give up after sometime.

Electric guitar is indeed easier to fret the strings, due to its lower stings action and smaller strings gauge.

As for chords for beginners, just learn every major and minor chords, from A to G. After that, you can proceed to explore other kinds of chords, such as dominant seventh, suspended chords,... etc.

Yup, epiphone SG would be a good choice. If the string action is too high, you can always adjust the bridge.
if your finger strenght is weak acoustic is like a finger gym.yeah elctric is easier to press.you dont really need to learn chords like the book says.its best you learn song that you like and wanna play.epiphone sg is decent as a start.not as rock heavy as a les paul for a start.good luck then friend.
it all comes down to practice though.. subsquently it will b easy to press on strings. just learn songs that u like from UG! then in the future, u will definitely know those major chords
Wow, I am indeed very hyped up to start practicing again! What is the website which you guys were talking about, something like... UG or something?

I am also looking at Epiphone Special 2. Is it good? How about Amp? I am looking at a 2nd hand Fender frontmen 25R. How much does it cost for both 1st and 2nd hand? I have an offer of $50-$100. Should I take it up?
If you are a NLB member, one of the best things to do is to get the following DVDs.

1. Fender presents getting started on electric guitars
2. Fender presents getting started on acoustic guitars

Both by Keith Wyatt.

They are awesome with:
1. Easy explainations and demo's throughout the video (both 3 hours plus). I always find looking at someone showing you is a 1000 times better than reading a fat book.
2. Basic theory on open chords, power chords, Barre Chords and movable chords. There is some more too which I am yet to look at :D
3. Practise tracks.

Hope that helps! My 2 cents only...