give us a detailed explanation on what is happening then maybe we can help...
where does it restart? Brand Splash Screen Logo?, Operating System Splash Screen? does it complete the P.O.S.T (pre operating systems test) process? do you hear any beeping sound? does it have an error message?
does the system feel hot before it restarts?
What are the troubleshooting steps done to solve the problem? run hardware diagnostics? re-seat the Memory,Hardrive? repair Operating system? re-format Operating system?
What brand and model?
the more detail you can provide the more chances that we can hep you... hope this tip helps...
hey sorry got a question. a sip of water sipped into my keyboard and comp company apparently said it spoilt some part of the motherboard. So im paying $150 to change the whole motherboard . the guy said its cheap. yeap. so my question is, after i change the motherboard, it will work well right? like it shouldnt have problem like just shutting down on me or what not?