Lakland Basses


New member
Just throwing out a crazy ass question here....

Where can i find Lakland basses in Singapore? or do i have to order them online?
There's no Lakland dealer in Singapore. So like Ahkiat said, you gotta look online for Laklands. There's a couple in the Classifieds if you are interested.
Sinamex used to bring in Laklands but due to the lack of demand locally they decided to stop bringing it in.

Musicmans are hotter over here ...
softie jbarker brings in Lakkies =)

i got one from talkbass. cheaper if you got someone to bring over to take advantage of the exchange rate, but the shipping these days is killer. you pay someone 100 to bring over also cheaper.
wah i've been found out!

i haven't had the time to push the button and bring in the initial shipment... am thinking this will be an easier business venture after i ord :/