L>casual jamming partners


I really know how should i put this but, sometimes when practicing alone for too long it gets stale and boring and with this said I'm just hoping to find someone who wants to jam casually be it in a studio or under the void deck. Well it's no serious commitment needed like being in a band, im just real sick of practicing infront of the comp all day long :(
so does this make any of ya softies wna pick your gear up? pm me :D
fyi im not a exactly all flowery with shred-tastic skills just an average guitarist :)
here's some of my influences or stuff i like to play, iron maiden/metallica/guns n roses/black sabbath/heaven&hell but well of course im open to other genres to so yea hit me :)
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Hey cool i'm also a guitarist staying in CCK, and my influences are almost exactly the same as yours! I mainly listen to Ritchie Blackmore's Rainbow, Dio, Metallica, Black Sabbath, Heaven & Hell, and some other miscellaneous classic rock and metal.. Would be cool if we could arrange a jam session sometime soon!
Hey cool i'm also a guitarist staying in CCK, and my influences are almost exactly the same as yours! I mainly listen to Ritchie Blackmore's Rainbow, Dio, Metallica, Black Sabbath, Heaven & Hell, and some other miscellaneous classic rock and metal.. Would be cool if we could arrange a jam session sometime soon!

nice !! haha we have common taste :D yea sure might wna add me on msn first :D
is there no one else who share the same thoughts ? :(

Hey I share the exact same thoughts! It can get really boring and stagnant practicing alone, especially when no other friends around share the same interest.
I live at cck too, hope I can join you or/and jiterator for some sessions!

i'm keen to jam as well but now in Some Amazing Force..so if there is any weekends let me noe...93269376..plays guitar

I'm a 15 year old male vocalist looking for a band that does mainstream songs. My vocal range in a choir is Bass(lowest for male) .
I have mostly performed solo prior to this and have little experience singing in a band, it would be good if the band can guide me along too! =)
So if any bands out there are looking for a vocalist, or if you need more information, feel free to email me at justme-wayne@hotmail.com !

btw, do tell me what songs you will most likely do too! =D