Kurzweil MicroPiano for SALE. SGD200


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Kurzweil MicroPiano for SALE. SGD200


Type: module/
Synthesis Type: Digital Sample-Playback
Max: 32
Typical in use: 6-10
Multi-timbral (number of parts): 1
Oscillators per Voice :
Min : 1
Max : 1
Controllers : NONE
Effects :
Number of FX units : 1
Number of different effects : 16
Drum Section :
Number of Drum Kits : 0
Number of Drum sounds : 0
Keyboard :
Number of Keys :
Can send on 1 simultaneous MIDI channels
Responds to : velocity,
Sounds can be split by :
Memory :
Patches : 32
Performances : 0
Inputs and Outputs :
Number of Audio Outs (excluding Phones) : 2
Number of Audio Ins :
Number of MIDI Outs (excluding Thru) : 0
Number of MIDI Ins : 1
Upgrade Options : NONE

Comments about the sounds :
It's hard to find a workstation with a decent acoustic piano sound at an affordable price. The MicroPiano does an admirable job of filling the typical acoustic piano chasm left by most Korg, Yamaha, Alesis and other sample-playback machine manufacturers. Also has some nice, transparent slow string pads,with ethereal suggestions of wood and resin.

Please call Mr Chow 9270-1048 for more details.......:)
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