keyboardist still Needed in Abyssal Dawn


New member

Looking for really committed Keyboardist who wants to go far. Can at least practice every once a week. you Got your Basics down and have a good hearing,feel and believe in yourself as nothing is impossible without hard work . punctual and on time for rehearsals a few minutes late is okay but punctuality is important as it save's alot of time to tighten up as a group effort and a team player.Able to update and communicate with each other. This is an symphonic Instrumental Band that works on More Originals than cover's.

Roughly....just an icing on the cake hearing is believing dude's and dudettes
If you like Gothic Rock,Gaming Ost,Movie Action Ost and have a virtuoso feel to express yourself and adepts well with progressive beats then this Band is your sorta thing . Abyssal Dawn is a group that works hand in hand among each other and have one mind and one goal. We plan things together and vote marketing strategies or stuff as a Band. In short to all the above if your looking for a group that u can commit to and be part of the Abyssal Dawnian family our door's are open.

Do leave us a message if your keen to try out..
Though in Darkness there can also be light or chat up with me on the phone 83315382
Don't be shy i dont bite;):cool: