Just need an opinion and guide on this finish...


New member

As this was written, I've finished doing my 2nd coat of red and going to the 3rd. I have just looked at James Hetfield Truckster series, and I was wondering, how did they make that? Was it clear coated after sanding or sanded after clear coating? And one more question, this is an opinion question: Does black, and on the inside, red looks nice?

That honestly doesn't look like it is sanded down but this is what I will do. 1st coat, Grey, Second coat, White, Third coat Black. Make sure you use acrylic for those coats. After that, use a 1000 grit sand paper, and wet sand the areas u want to achieve that effect. The deeper to get the 1st coat
After u get the desired effect, spay another 4 coats of clear.