Junk Launch party in Singapore, 25 May 2007


New member


based in Kl but launch in Spore so we are indeed the hubbiest of hubs eh? this lil shithole has so much to be proud of.........
superprog, they launched in KL already lah last year.

In fact, in a strange way, there are quite a few things to be proud and things which are not too great, like in every country anyway. We've got more venues to perform as compared to our northern neighbours... but they keep saying they have better food. :twisted:

So says all those bands coming this weekend.
bump. see you guys there! come early.
edwin bring all the pedal guys. intro intro la.
maybe someone can make pedals faster for me haha.
Donch count on bro edder bro!

Malaysia will fulfil their 2020 vision before bro edder bro finishes his fuzz pedal...

Malaysia boleh!
They came... from the NORTH!!!

Fake drama only :lol: :lol:

Looking forward to the launch this friday. Cheers!