Jrock vk cover bands - members wanted


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Jrock vk cover bands - vocalist & keyboardist & drummer wanted

Hi,I'm a guitarist.
The band is currently looking for replacement drummer as my drummer is my friend who is just helping me till i find another drummer =) So whoever wants to play the following bands please add me in msn. bands like deluhi, D, Matenrou opera, NoGoD, Versailles, X japan and bands like them.

Songs that might be playing will be decide everyone's ability and of course interest. I understand that vocalist will be very difficult to adapt to the range of the bands so you as the vocalist will affect largely on which bands we would actually cover. Interested party can add me in msn - lon3ly_0n3@hotmail.com or PM. After all, jrock vocalist is hard to find. You who think you can sing their songs are welcome to give them a try.

Last but not least, this band strictly no covering bands for diru,gazette,alice nine,nightmare etc etc. just trying to be unique in the scene. Think you guys get the idea what this band is heading so enough of my crap. Thanks for reading.
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Anyway, Anyone got any question can also post here to ask.

Songs from deluhi that might be covering

Orion once again, Skapegoat, Hybrid Truth and two hurt.
how about songs from Versailles?

I'm alright with any versailles song. My bassist got a few he like alot but i guess we will let u choose what u wan to sing.

Hi I would like to try out as a vocalist but I'm female. Would it be ok?

Do you have any recording that i can listen to? =)
hi~ i wanna be vocalist~ i'm female but i sing like a guy :3
but aww no alicenine? D: how about plastic tree, SID, Dolly? (I listen to alot of VK :D)
i like glay & luna sea.. can i give it a try for ur vocalist? my only fault is i take longer time to memorise jap lyrics. sms me 94605222