jrffite: Hosanna - Hillsong Live (guitar cover/demo) (Ebow content)


With captions, and a spacey Ebow ending.
1993 MIJ Strat - RC Booster - BB Preamp - Tone Press - 2x DD20 - Mbox2 - (Strymon Bluesky Reverb for Ebow solo added during post processing) - Reaper amp plugin. Audio recorded before video. Guitar right, track left.

Thanks! It's fairly close to what Nigel plays, from what I can hear. Had a hard time getting it to sound smooth enough.
**I don't need a strat, I don't need a strat, I don't need a strat, I don't need a strat, I don't need a strat, I don't need a strat, I don't need a strat, I don't need a strat, I don't need a strat, I don't need a strat, I don't need a strat**