jrffite: At The Cross - Hillsong (guitar cover/demo)


My version of Hillsong's At The Cross.

MIJ 1993 Strat - Keeley Katana - BB Preamp - Tone Press - 2x DD20 - Strymon BlueSky Reverb - Mbox 2 - Reaper amp plugin.

Bro, you need to do a tour of your recording set up. It's way clean recording for home recording, very intrigued.
It's very simple really. Guitar - pedalboard - audio interface - software ampsim. I leave the ampsim clean and get all my drive from my pedals. Not micing up = no ambient noise, other than electrical noise and clicks and pops from switching pedals/pickups. The tone does lose a bit of that airy feeling though, but in a full mix, and with all the delays that I use, it usually works out fine.