Jpop, jrock band recruiting !!!

Hello guys/girls! Sylvester here... as stated im looking to form a band that cover Japanese POP/ANIME/ROCK music ! Currently its just me(vocals) with another guy on lead guitar. We are looking to play songs with a certain mood about them, the "high" feeling u get with some songs if u know what i mean... Looking more to jamming on weekday nights probably? after working hours or school. weekends will be fine too we can work out something? So anyway the following positions are available for taking:

Rhythm Guitar: AVAILABLE

Some of the artist we will be playing includes: Granrodeo, ONE OK ROCK, Abingdon boys school, UVERWORLD, The ROOTLESS.

Interested people can contact me at 9188 6 seven 22 for more details. Age range doesn't matter as long as u know your stuffs ^ ^ but its better if ur between 16-25.