yeah.. there's going to be stuff that you would find more productive to focus for up to months at a time, like for example a 6-stroke sticking which you find 1001 ways to use.
there's some other stuff where it might be better to get as much insight as possible. in the recent drum gods issue (special modern drummer one-time issue) the MD editorial tried to ask every drummer featured about their take on grip.
I really liked that one because I think for every kind of grip, however pure or mixed, there's some little nitty gritty involved. when cobham revealed in that interview how his grip tended to stay french when he was on the hats and snare, but more to german once he moved to toms, especially the floor tom, it sure lit a light bulb for me, even if it may not be necessarily something I can apply to my playing.
if you wish to get a better idea of the material that we cover, as well as the general teaching environment, reference books we use @ the lab, etc. just call/sms me or alvin anytime!