Job @ Jamming Studio


New member
Hey guys,

I've been wanting to be able to work at a jamming studio or ad hoc music related jobs just to fill my income gap while i'm trying to pursue my music aspirations..

It will be greatly appreciated if anyone of you helpful people out there can feed me with any leads.

I can be contacted @ 98786543.

Thanks loads!
why a jamming studio? how will that help pursue your music aspirations (which i assume are not running a jamming studio).
Basically I'd just like to be able to get some income while working in a music related job to increase my own exposure in any way.

I would prefer to teach drums if I could but I am still not very confident with that, and hence bro if you do know of something better and more relevant, it will be greatly appreciated!
Omg im looking for a part time job as well. Got lobang can pm me also? Best is music related also. Lol .:D:D:D Im serious. (:
Do hope to hear from anyone is working in the music industry and know of any openings.

Like if you are a studio owner and your guy is always skiving and you feel like sacking him....

Or your sound tech always drop your equipment on your feet.....