Jerry C Canon Rock!

lamo... at least have some decency to "play" with a guitar..
anyone can play that song? maybe can record and let us hear..
check out the comments and the real meaning of pwn appears.

in any case you're lazy this is the copy + pasted of the same comment.

"depends what you mean by pwned, i think pwned means playing a song so well you literally own at the song, but if to you pwned means getting retarded on the world wide web then sure! you pwned jerry C! go you! ^^

btw uh jerryC is asian, nerds have futures, anime beats your shitty american crap (justice league lmaowtfbbq)
lollollol123 // Videos (0) | Favorites (0) | Friends (0) - (1 day ago) "
i'm actually also trying to play a rock version of Canon.. but i really terrible at it.. this is certainly a motivation!

i also like the sound of Jerry C's guitar... wonder what kind of setup he has..
haha im trying to do a cover of jerry c's canon rock far pretty good progressing quite well..but havent learn finish la..some parts too fast for me..haha
jesckom said:
i'm actually also trying to play a rock version of Canon.. but i really terrible at it.. this is certainly a motivation!

i also like the sound of Jerry C's guitar... wonder what kind of setup he has..

American Deluxe Strat with probably a SD JB Jr in the bridge and he runs a PODXT Live unit.
Woah, chillax with the racial stuff... But yeah, Jerry C kicks hard ass! The video was pretty lame in a way that you'd just want to sit there and laugh though...