Jazz Improvisation


New member
helo, helo all. . .

do share all the jazz improvisation
dat u noe.

chords, scales, wadeva it is
got to do with jazz . . .

Share it ya>>>

Hmmm, let's start with any jazz improvising chord patterns...

most jazz players should be familiar with
the 2-5-1 chord improvising.

in jazz, it's commonly played in this way,
2(minor7) - 5(dominant7) - 1(major7)

let's say the key is in C ;
the improvisation chords starts with
a 2nd of the C major scale which is a D ,
then the 5th a G ,
and back to the 1st a C .

So the chords are , Dmi7 - G7 - Cma7
Well I'm quite fond of using the typical 4,3,2,1 or 1,2,3,4 descending/accending pattern I have to admit.

I guess accending/descending chord progressions are usually associated with pop music? I noticed lots of pop songs use these kind of progression.