Is there emmotion in this?


New member
hi guys... something i recorded last night.

please take take a listen and lemme know if i captured the

" want to die but cannot die " kinda feel.
been trying hard to inject my playing with emmotion.

same high end recording equipment as usual..
strat ---> DS-1 ----> laptop

this is a wank clip ah... so pls dun expect "tender surrender"
thanks people. :)
Its good man but the feel is not 'want to die cannot die' its more like 'i'm dreamnig'

ohh i think you should ease up on the shredding parts. Doesn't do anything to create the feel.

Just two cents
haha kk.. i was aiming for the "Ai si Buay si" kinda feel.

haha the faster passages.. i think its a bad habit... thanks for pointing that out.

instead of "Ai si Buay si" kinda feel, i get a very relax feel........

as 4 the faster passages.. a bad habit??...... i think it's more of ur style....... since i got hear a few ur stuffs be4....... i think the faster parts r ur signature lor......


great stuff, man......

haHahaHA ... from dreaming to relaxed... i must get the ASBS -ai si buay si feel down ... nvm till next time. thanks for listening.
ChanMin said:
haHahaHA ... from dreaming to relaxed... i must get the ASBS -ai si buay si feel down ... nvm till next time. thanks for listening.

it's a nice stuff though.....

n u R my pick as 1 of SOFT G3...... heeheehee.......

wow dude u battle dong at G101? Cool :D nice recording dude. if i'm not mistaken, mr paul danial has jammed over the same backing track yes? :D
i dunno man.. but he told me he recorded over our last metal soft jam...
anyone has it care to post it ?? really wanna hear my shifu in action..
ahhh .. wah .. that sounds so much like dhaliff!!??
hahahha :lol:

im 23 this year... haizzz... so old but achieved so little. dat jam..he's technically weird sense of melody and rare uncommon phrase..i tink dat is his sound like me, the solo is not the memorable type..its hard to sing along with his phrases even after listening to it over and over again..or maybe the melody is not good enuf? if u're reading offence mr paul danial..dats juz my opinion of ur solo in dat jam only..wat do u guys tink?

i tink dhalif's version is better..i've listened to dhalif's solo on this track and i can hum along with it juz after listening to it 2-3 times...kembang nampak, brader.. :P

i tink its good to make people remember your solo so they will recognise u...and u can gain more and more popularity? shred with a purpose and nothing will go wrong..but again thats juz wat i tink..
audio said:
or maybe the melody is not good enuf? if u're reading offence mr paul danial..dats juz my opinion of ur solo in dat jam only..wat do u guys tink?

FYI mr paul just hantam the solo. the filename was hantamlastpart(something like that) when he sent it to me. So dont judge too much of his playin on that jam aite :D he still sounds super IMO