is there a difference between a old pedal and a new one?


New member
i wanna buy a ibanez TS9 but i am trying to find out if a old TS9 is better sounding then a new one?
depending on your usage , if playing live at a very noisy like those band who plays in shanghai dolly or broiler room or church, cant hear the difference actually. If recording or playing alone in your bedroom, you can hear the difference only if you A/B them one after another. Up to you to weigh the price against the slight difference in the tone.

I myself bought a Ibanez TS808HW because i can hear the difference for this handwired unit against the normal factory produced, although not a great deal of difference, to me its just an collector item to satisfy my gear hunger without practical justification.
The reissue definitely sounds different compared to the original. layout might be the same but the components are not.

if it's the sound you want, price shouldn't be in question. end of the day, it boils down to personal preference.
Old has more mojo as they tend to use components you can no longer source (or "new old stock" in some cases) and gave the sounds a particular characteristics that cannot be replicated with current components.
Opamps, for example, are highly sort after for this very reason which is why you guys have to face against the Hi-fi buffs for parts. Yeah they're probably more anal than us gear heads. Likewise certain valves fetch really high premiums on ebay etc.
Why do they sound good? Likely because they were made with what are now unreliable bits and/or banned substances.
Why do they sound good? Likely because they were made with what are now unreliable bits and/or banned substances.

Well said.... plus in all honesty in some cases... parts made of inferior quality...
with wide degrees of variance... which led to people knocking wall after wall in search of that illusive tone.
1 example is Jimi Hendrix and his fuzz face.... he was known to have 20+ of the same unit... and because a part did not match ... he'd try all of them... only to realise the one he wanted might have been the 1st one...

or because he was stoned out of his head ~! lol.lhahaha~!