is Rose(TraX) from really Yoshiki's(X-Japan) son?

"Paradox" is ther first single, the band is called Trax. They are korean rapcore bands. (Korean) (Japanese, where Yoshiki is inside)

The things that Rose is Yoshiki son is a rumour. But seriously, who knows Yoshiki might born a child with some girls 17 years ago and sent to Korea because 17 years ago Yoshiki is quite busy.. haha.

Anyway its a rumour la, they both really look the same.
is rose really yoshiki's son way man... rose isn't half as pretty..(ok i'm biased)

The Trax lip-synches...wad sort of band are they anyway??
i'd say they're super lucky to have yoshiki to produce them...
how sure are you that xjapan arent lip sync, do you that all the lives cd u watch eg. the last live, verge of destruction, etc etc are correction. they arent play as good as u hear them in the live cd's. its because they rerecord some tracks to correct it before realeased to public.

only, thopse who attends the live can really hear the gunuine music played by them "live".

for e.g in the live yoshiki did messup in the crucify my love piano solo, u heard that in bootleg of he last live, but u didnt her the same in the last lvie cd/dvd u watch.

not saying taht xjapan is bad, im a big big big big big fan of them too, but if a particular band is perfect, nothing is interesting. no bands perfect, how professional they are SOMETIMES they did mess up during live too.

as for the trax, they still got logn way to go, they are very popular a this age, even x didnt get popular in thei 17,18yrs of age. marketing played a role and ...................... stage appearance too.

like what ken lim said, it takes more than a talent to be popular!
well.. yoshiki did like them so in any case they were lucky to have him producing their first maxi single =X
nah...that's called digital mastering..not dubbing over
the X JAPAN no kiseki vids show THe LAst Live without the mastering but they still sound pretty good.
i dunno hwo to attahc pic, lazy to upload to web.

yeah digital mastering, i forget the terms. yeah, theys till sound good. but not perfect. they still play wrong, but at least x japan is better than x in terms of perfection, when x just start as a band, they always play out of tune, even strum a wrong chord, cock up solo's, yoshikis out of beat and .......... the msot obvious .. TOSHI GO OUT OF TUNE.

its funny man when i ehar voer and over again, this telling me that theya re not someone extraordnaire special, everyone can become like them. just practice and practice.
no la..rose isn't yoshiki's son. anyway, if anyone's interested, go to
under Forums, Yoshiki, Yoshi's new band, Trax
somebody did a comparison of rose and yoshiki's features...

another sick androgenous young man.

Chicks must dig sissy looking guys...

what has the world come to! :roll:

Slap on some stockings and a skirt....viola! Yoshiki look alike! Seldom see "visual shock" artiste nowadays.
well, i like the way they are. i am not fangirls/gayfans/guyfans/whatever

but i do like the image of "visual rock"

people thinks different, u say it suck i say it nice. haha. but too much is sickening e.g dir en grey, lighter are ok. i think Trax are light visual band, they are not so heavy like dir en grey in their early days.

at least they look better than slipknot, who dont have the guts to show their face. maybe they look like gays, but in america people ditch gays looking bands, different here in japan. lol. :lol:
Look like yoshiki meh? i see left right up down, i really cannot find the similarity loh. Maybe if that rose make his hair darker colour or wad. Afterall yoshiki's hair not so 'pale' one.
there's a thread in xjapan forums comparing the features. u go see, i first also cant see the resemblance but the some picture of rose really look like yoshiki
another sick androgenous young man.

Chicks must dig sissy looking guys...

what has the world come to!

Slap on some stockings and a skirt....viola! Yoshiki look alike! Seldom see "visual shock" artiste nowadays. u mind? there are ppl who like visual shock rockers...and i can assure u that just by slapping on stockings and a skirt u will not look like Yoshiki...cos first, u must have sharp and delicate features, and also very fair skin plus a nice figure....

and Trax aren't exactly Visual Shock..they are more boy-bandish...

anyway...abt Rose, read somewhere he's half Jap..maybe that's why the rumours started..doesn't help that Yoshiki loves roses. ANy X JAPAN fan who's read through their lyrics will notice how often "bara" especially "aoi bara (blue rose)" , "rose" appears in almost all Yoshiki songs.

may i know the webby for the forum?
under Forums, Yoshiki, Yoshi's new band, Trax
guitar_phreak said:
another sick androgenous young man.

Chicks must dig sissy looking guys...

what has the world come to! :roll:

Slap on some stockings and a skirt....viola! Yoshiki look alike! Seldom see "visual shock" artiste nowadays.

sick? androgenous? aye..jealous huh. at least he has the qualities. many times, yosh don't wear skirt. so every guys on the street who wear pants, look like yoshiki? man.. i really wish so! maybe i'll have a pink hairdo, i'll become the 2nd hide. woohooooo!
hahaha *patpat*

but still rose isn't as good looking as yoshiki imho. and if they were the band which played for boa.. i was told that he wasn't really playing. >_<