Is it possible to change my bassneck to this one?

You going for the inlays or the entire neck? So far i don't think SG has anyone who would do such an extensive modification. Usually neck replacements are the standard fender liscenced necks onto the usual P/J bass bodies. Plus if you're going for the inlays, then the whole fingerboard has to be replaced. Still, there might be a possibility someone here might do this, though slim. Check with the folks down at penin. Let them know what you want and see if they have connections to anyone who does this sorta thing.

slapshock, i think you better go to esp guitars and custom order a design to your specifications. or try that thai luthier nnguitars.
In that case then you'll most probably need to find someone who could cut the inlays, and cut the slots on the fingerboard and re-lay the inlays. And if your existing inlays are huge, you'd probably be looking at an entire fingerboard replacement..