is it good to detune ur guitar after playing?

May I ask where you got that idea from? I don't detune my guitar, in fact keeping it in tune when keeping it would be better, prevent neck warp as there is enough tension.
you should detune your guitar to prevent neck warp if you intend to keep it for a long time, in this case i mean not a few days but months.detuning for keeping is necessary to prevent damage to the neck.but if you play once every few days theres no need to do so.its troublesome, dont you think so?
Huh? detune to prevent neck warp, isn't it the opposite? without tension the weather can let your wood warp anywhere...
thank you for the advice, now i wont detune everytime after playing. actually not so troublesmoe for me to tune la, i got tuner .
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Since your guitar is set up to withstand that kind of strings.
shudnt it be able to keep it that way?
if you detune it wouldnt it has lower tension and warp because there is no opposite force acting to keep it in shape?
detuning/ loosening the strings after play to promote guitar longevity is a misplaced understanding. the guitar was set up at the factory to accept the string tension.

if you employ standard tuning & utilize a heavy gauged string set, you are better off not removing/ loosening the strings. if you do so, the neck would revert to a string-free tension state where there might be warping. unlike guitars, basses are more susceptible to this reaction.
Regularly detuning and retuning can cause warping, because of the regular changes in tension. My advise is, keep it tuned the way its been setup for. If its E, keep it at E, do not detune.